Sunday, March 21, 2010

Athlete Barbie Blows Chunks

So I ended up running yesterday and today and it wasn't as terrible as I remembered. Even if I did throw up.

Yesterday, after the kids left, it was time to get moving. I changed clothes, ate a sammich (much more delicious than a sandwich), stretrched and was ready to go. Then, I look out the window and it was raining. So I sat back down, watched Precious (well, the first 45 minutes-that was more than enough for me), skyped the fam for over an hour and then set out again. I didn't go fast, but I made it pretty far...I lasted about a mile and a half. I know this doesn't seem far to a serious runner, but considering I could barely make it 1/2 a mile when I was 16, I'd say this is a vast improvement.

This morning I decided to go again. The clouds looked a little omninous, but accuweather said I had a few hours. I decided to try to go a little farther today; running out to this trail that leads to some farm fields and then back up into my neighborhood. I made it almost halfway through the fields before I doubled over and blew chunks. Sick nasty. And, as I'm hunched over, puking up my "Special Flakes", it began raining. Perfect. Some days, I seriously hate being me. I wiped my face on the back of my arm and sprinted all the way home and into the shower.

Now, I know a lot of  girls who are fitness nuts ( and a couple girls who may be borderline Ana) and they all use these pictures of super-skinny girls as motivation. Like their gonna fast til they are dizzy and run miles upon miles and one day they will look like Heidi Klum. I know that this will never be me, and it's so not why I'm "working on my fitness". I could run from here to China and I still wouldn't be 35-24-34. It's just genetics. And, I like food too much. I'd get to the Swiss/Austrian border and have to stop for a sandwich. LOL No, I go the other way. I have a picture of Kirstie Alley circa "Fat Actress" and say to myself, "I DO NOT want to look like this one day."  And when I get tired of running, or when I really want another cookie I imagine myself with multiple stomach rolls, 4 chins and excess back fat. Suddenly I can run faster and that cookie doesn't look so good anymore.

I said a few days ago that I refused to watch thenew Alice in Wonderland. Well, I take it back. There's a website we overseas folk use to watch US programs called Channel 131. I mostly use it to watch Grey's Anatomy and shows from ABC Family, but I've watched a few movies on it too. Friday night I logged on to watch the latest Grey's episode, which they didn't have. (Is Grey's on hiatus?) So I perused movies instead. And Alice was one of the newly listed, so I decided to give it a shot. I am certainly glad I did not pay to see it, but I was worth watching. I mean, it was FREE, I got to watch it IN BED and IN ENGLISH, so you can't really top that, right? It certainly was not the Alice in Wonderland that I remember; it was more Alice in Wonderland + Through the Looking Glass, spun into some weird sequel. At least Burton & Depp did not slaughter it the way they did Charlie & the Chocolate Factory.
So, last post I told you to check out Mike Posner...I kind of want to rescind that now. I mean, his music is good, but it wasn't just that one song that sampled from the Fray. All his music is like that. He puts "his spin" on Beyonce's "Halo", John Mayer's "I Don't Trust Myself", Jeremiah's "Birthday Sex" and a few other songs. Cool I guess, but it's not entirely original.

Speaking of things cool and original, I shared the story I'm writing with one of many friends named Emily. (and I do know many Emilys) She says what I have so far is good and I should finish it. When it's done, I'll post it up here and share it with all of you.
Anyway, I'm going to take a nap now....I'm sure I'll be back in a day or two. =)